De la description du « faire classe » aux prises de conscience


Starting from the description of the subjective experience of the teachers of the neo-titular schools in the classroom, we will explain how this putting in words of «doing» allows awareness of «hidden knowledge» in professional action (Schön, 1994), and how it allows them to make the experience an experience. We will address the role of astonishment in the various effects produced by the fact that the teachers of the schools re-contact their past experience, in a position of embodied speech. The data collected consist of explanatory interviews with beginning school teachers and are taken from the corpus of our doctoral research (Anonyme, 2015). At times of the process, "reflection" and "thematization" (Vermersch, 1994/2010), the explanatory interview changes the activity of the subjects and the way they look at their professional experience. In a first part, this article discusses the transformative effects of the explanation that participants in this research testify, and in a second part, the transformations that the discussion of explicitation has generated on my own posture, as a trainer.


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